I've been busy working at my internship and spending very little time updating this blog. I remember leaving 'RobertsonExposure' open-ended on purpose, leaving room for the content to evolve a little and still make sense. Get ready for RobertsonExposure web development ... the three of you can feel free to unsubscribe at any time.
I'm still shooting wedding photography when people ask me to, but my primary focus has been web development. I've been helping friends get together basic websites by using a lot of the background I received from my classes at Foothill College in Javascript and PHP.
A few screenshots and links if you're interested:

My photographer friend Tom Liu and I put together this site featuring his work. I really enjoy his eye and I encourage you to check out these galleries.
Next, my good friend from Chapman University, Luke Rutherford, has recently launched a new company, Trestle Street Partners. I can't explain what they do because I know nothing about commercial real estate, but check out the site for more info if you own commercial real estate in Orange County: www.trestlesp.com

I have an internship at Micello Inc., a company that makes interactive indoor maps for use on the internet and mobile devices. Take a look at what we're up to here: www.micello.com
Here is a screen shot of a new developer tool I made for them:

It allows people using the Micello API to conveniently get information about map entities, and see examples of how to find map information via javascript. Indoor navigation requires indoor maps, think about it. Micello.
Ok, now wedding photo update:
This is the little sister of one of my oldest friends. This wedding
was a blast. I'm reading a Steinbeck book right now so it was fun to get
to drive around the various parts of Watsonville.
And finally, a picture of me eating it on water skis. Sometimes my friends do take really good pictures of me.