Nov 9, 2009

Canon vs. Nikon ?

I get asked this question so often it’s annoying. I’m just not the type of photographer who enjoys debating the specs of equipment. I think it’s a ‘guy thing’ to talk about gear, and some guys do it endlessly. Sorry, back to the topic.

It makes no difference whether you choose to use Canon or Nikon. I’m a Canon guy, my dad was a Nikon guy. The only real factor that should influence your decision is if you’ve already invested in quality lenses of one brand.

I don’t know why there is even a debate over which brand is better because there are virtually no differences between the products. One company comes out with a feature, the other copies it. That’s it. Nikon was a little earlier with the low-noise, high ISO technology while I believe it was Canon who integrated HD video shooting into their DLSRs first. Now you can get both on either brand. How many more features do we need?

So in conclusion… don’t try to sound cool asking a photog this question, especially this one.

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