Sep 26, 2011

Corinna in SnapMatter Magazine

Some of my shots of Corinna made their way into Vol. 4 of SnapMatter magazine.  If you've never heard of the magazine, neither have I.  I'm not wild about the way they cropped my shot and filled the extra space with a banner, but I guess it's cool to be published.

It's a compliment to be featured next to some of the other photographers in this edition, so if you're interested check it out here:
Click the big picture and you'll see what I mean.

I would hate to let this moment pass without recognizing it:  Not being paid to be published in this unknown magazine might be the closest I'll ever get to accomplishing my dream of shooting for Sports Illustrated. At least I realize it.

Sep 5, 2011

Gordon Prill composites

The end-product of my work for Gordon Prill.